Project #SeeTheWater: Watching my little ladybug swim in her first meet and seeing her huge smile as she came out of the pool to accept her ribbon was quite simply such a joyful motherhood moment.
In October 2014, my life changed in an instant when I lost my husband in a sudden, tragic accident. Mark was an amazing father, husband, friend, mentor, and a lifelong educator. There is a simple proverb that Mark often used: The fish don’t see the water. It means that we often overlook or take for granted things we experience continuously or the people and blessings that are all around us every day. When Mark died, I promised I would start each day with a grateful heart and a pledge to “see the water” like Mark did. Project #SeeTheWater is a photo project that I began as an ode to Mark. It captures my life in images, from the simplest moments, to the most spectacular and reveals the way in which I see the world differently now after loving and losing Mark. Project #SeeTheWater helps remind me to be most grateful for the simple, yet important gifts that God has given me. I cannot help but to look around me and feel profound gratitude for the many blessings that fill my life with happiness, among them: my beautiful, kind-hearted, remarkable children; our home, the place which he and I created together, filled with love and memories to last a lifetime and now a beautiful future filled with the chaos and excitement that a large family brings; our loving and supportive family and friends; our community, the people who have wrapped us up every day in their love, prayers and support throughout our darkest hours. We are so blessed. The world around us has literally injected into our water an infinite measure of love.
Read more about my journey to heal after loss at

‘You’re not the only one, starin’ at the sun…’