I met this sweet family years ago, before I had kids and theirs were just itty bitties, like mine are now. Here they are looking so grown up, I didn’t even recognize the boys. Their grandma used to live next door to us and she is one of those lovely neighbors that you always love to run into and catch up with. She introduced us to Amy and Nate and we’ve run into them here and there over the years. You can’t tell from these shots, but it was absolutely freeeeeeezing that day and the wind was ready to take us all away to Oz. No joke. But they were all such great sports about it. Can you hear them giggling? I still can. 🙂 Cade fam, I had such fun hanging out with you all…thanks for braving the cold and wind, when you were surely all thinking “there’s no place like home.” 🙂