Baby Boy Blonde {Milwaukee Newborn Photographer – Erin Harris Photography}

I had the pleasure of meeting this darling little baby boy last week and he had the sweetest, blondest hair ever. He was just a few days old when these photos were taken. Isn’t he sweet? His mom and dad are good friends of ours, and the GORGEOUS mamacita that you see in these photos also does my hair at Fringe Salon, which she owns with a friend.

I just love the adorable elephant-themed nursery. Jackie and Dan have spent some time together in Thailand, and the painting which hangs above the little man’s toy chest was painted by an elephant there! J and D, I hope you love your photos. Your baby boy is DARLING! XO

Hi, I'm Erin...

...and this is me and my soulmate. Wanna know more about me and my crazy, beautiful, chaotic life? I have seven kids.

I LOVE coffee, travel, live music, fresh flowers and all things yoga. I'm not a fan of beer or bonfires and I REALLY can't stand bushy beards. Ewww!

I dream of living on the beach one day, where I'll sip margaritas and watch the sunset with my husband.
